Download Scrum Resources for Free

Download Scrum Resources for Free

Download for free Scrum Templates, Tools, and Guides:

Happiness Tracker Spreadsheet
Client Meeting Checklist for Product Development
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
List of available Agile tools
Sprint Velocity Template
Workshops that will help you increase psychological safety within the Scrum team
4 Things The Top 1% of Managers Won’t Tell You
The Scrum Playbook
Employee Self-Evaluation Form Template
Soft Skills for Scrum Masters Workplace
Scrum Guide 2020
Release Plan Template
Evidence-Based Management Guide
Action Plan for Building a Positive Team Culture
Scrum Master Self-Assessment Checklist.pdf
Product Backlog Template.xlsx
Product Owner Self-Assessment Checklist
Risk Plan Template
Product Roadmap Template
Product Roadmap Template
Product Strategy Canvas
Paired-Comparison Worksheet
Types of Minimum Viable Products
Glossary of Scrum Terms
Tips on How to Get Your First Scrum Master Job
Backlog Refinement Scrum Checklist
Scrum Team Poster
How to Give a Great Sprint Demo?
Retrospective Templates
User Stories Template

+ Free Course
+ Free Workshop
+ Free Newsletter
+ Free Way to Make Money with Scrum

To secure your Free access to Scrum resources, please send an email to with the subject line “Free Scrum Resources”. In the body of the email, please provide your full name and location. I am looking forward to sending you access links immediately!

Hurry up – your Agile adventure awaits!