Remove these 4 types of waste to become more productive in Scrum

Scrum Productivity Improvement and Waste Elimination

Introduction to Scrum Productivity Improvement and Waste Elimination We recommend starting with the attached video for a more comprehensive grasp of Scrum productivity improvement. Scrum, a powerful framework for agile project management, offers a pathway to success. Whether you’re a seasoned Scrum practitioner or new to the framework, improving productivity is a common goal. In…


Senior Scrum Course

The role of Scrum in large and complex projects is to enable agile management, improve team collaboration, and adapt to changing requirements to achieve success in a dynamic environment, and through this Senior Scrum Course (Agile and Scrum Masterclass), you will gain the knowledge and confidence to successfully handle such projects. Why Scrum is…

Image highlighting the path to mastering Agile through Medior Scrum

Medior Scrum Course: The Fastest Path to Mastering Agile

The demand for Medior Scrum specialists (Scrum Masters and Product Owners) is growing day by day worldwide. The Medior Scrum course is a high-quality preparation for employment, or if you are someone who manages a company, it will help you stay competitive in the market by enabling you to produce products faster, with better quality,…

Image offering a Agile and Scrum Masterclass Curriculum, diverse lectures and modules of the Agile and Scrum Masterclass

Agile and Scrum Masterclass Curriculum

The Agile and Scrum Masterclass is a comprehensive Agile and Scrum SENIOR  Program (Masterclass) designed to provide a deep understanding of Scrum, the leading Agile project management framework globally. Whether new to Agile or seeking to enhance your skills, this masterclass equips you with the knowledge and expertise to excel in any industry and on…

Image illustrating the decision-making process for fixing bugs in a product

When is the best time to fix the bugs in your product?

Bugs, those little gremlins that creep into our code, can impact your product’s quality, your team’s morale, and your project’s success. So, when is the best time to fix the bugs in your product? Immediate attention to bug resolution not only ensures a smoother user experience but also aligns with Agile principles and the ethos…

Image showcasing the process of onboarding new team members in Agile and potential delays

The team doubts your Scrum Master’s abilities Introduction to if the team doubts your Scrum Master’s abilities… What to do When the team doubts your Scrum Master’s abilities? When you embark on the Scrum Master role, you answer the call to become an Agile leader. You now stand at the helm of a transformative process, guiding your team through the dynamic…

Doing multiple things at once

What is the result of doing multiple things at once? And How Scrum Helps! Introduction Welcome, dear readers, to an insightful exploration of the effects of multitasking, or the act of doing multiple things at once, on productivity, and how the Scrum framework offers a powerful solution. Before we delve into this topic, we invite you to watch the video which provides a thought-provoking perspective on the challenges…

Image representing a book cover with the title 'The Lean Startup' by Eric Ries

My Honest Review of Eric Ries’s “The Lean Startup”

Embarking on the voyage of entrepreneurship often feels like navigating uncharted waters filled with both thrill and uncertainty. In this tumultuous sea, Eric Ries’s “The Lean Startup” has been a guiding compass lighting my way and reshaping my perspective. Through captivating concepts like “Build-Measure-Learn,” “Validated Learning,” and “Continuous Deployment,” this book has revealed a new…

Learn Scrum for Free

Learn Scrum for Free: Embrace Scrum for a Brighter Career Future

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE San Francisco, August 9, 2023 –  Learn Scrum for Free is Your Pathway to Agile Excellence for Career Switchers and IT Professionals! Introduction In an ever-evolving job market, finding the right career path and mastering the necessary skills can feel like navigating a labyrinth. The fear of failure and uncertainty about the…

Why adding more people to a project doesn't make it go faster

New Team Members in Agile Means Delays

Adding people to a project team in Agile often increases the timeline due to specific challenges that arise when incorporating new team members into an existing setup. Onboarding new hires takes time and can hamper productivity. Furthermore, communication overhead increases with a larger team, creating coordination issues. This article, titled “New Team Members in Agile…